The Emirates FA Cup

The Emirates FA Cup

2024/2025 The Emirates FA Cup

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Meilleurs joueurs

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Top 8 vainqueurs
Palmarès complet
Derniers vainqueurs
Palmarès complet
Informations utiles
  • Type coupe
  • Genre masculin
  • Date de début 02 août 2024
  • Date de fin 17 mai 2025
  • Zone Angleterre
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Top 8 vainqueurs
Derniers vainqueurs
Saison Vainqueurs Dauphins
2022/2023 Man City Man United
2021/2022 Liverpool Chelsea
2020/2021 Leicester Chelsea
2019/2020 Arsenal Chelsea
2018/2019 Man City Watford
2017/2018 Chelsea Man United
2016/2017 Arsenal Chelsea
2015/2016 Man United Crystal Palace
2014/2015 Arsenal Aston Villa
2013/2014 Arsenal Hull
2012/2013 Wigan Man City
2011/2012 Chelsea Liverpool
2010/2011 Man City Stoke
2009/2010 Chelsea Portsmouth
2008/2009 Chelsea Everton
2007/2008 Portsmouth Cardiff
2006/2007 Chelsea Man United
2005/2006 Liverpool West Ham
2004/2005 Arsenal Man United
2003/2004 Man United Millwall
2002/2003 Arsenal Southampton
2001/2002 Arsenal Chelsea
2000/2001 Liverpool Arsenal
1999/2000 Chelsea Aston Villa
1998/1999 Man United Newcastle
1997/1998 Arsenal Newcastle
1996/1997 Chelsea Middlesbrough
1995/1996 Man United Liverpool
1994/1995 Everton Man United
1993/1994 Man United Chelsea
1992/1993 Arsenal Sheff Wed
1991/1992 Liverpool Sunderland
1990/1991 Tottenham Nottingham
1989/1990 Man United Crystal Palace
1988/1989 Liverpool Everton
1987/1988 Wimbledon Liverpool
1986/1987 Coventry Tottenham
1985/1986 Liverpool Everton
1984/1985 Man United Everton
1983/1984 Everton Watford
1982/1983 Man United Brighton
1981/1982 Tottenham QPR
1980/1981 Tottenham Man City
1979/1980 West Ham Arsenal
1978/1979 Arsenal Man United
1977/1978 Ipswich Arsenal
1976/1977 Man United Liverpool
1975/1976 Southampton Man United
1974/1975 West Ham Fulham
1973/1974 Liverpool Newcastle
1972/1973 Sunderland Leeds
1971/1972 Leeds Arsenal
1970/1971 Arsenal Liverpool
1969/1970 Chelsea Leeds
1968/1969 Man City Leicester
1967/1968 West Bromwich Everton
1966/1967 Tottenham Chelsea
1965/1966 Everton Sheff Wed
1964/1965 Liverpool Leeds
1963/1964 West Ham Preston
1962/1963 Man United Leicester
1961/1962 Tottenham Burnley
1960/1961 Tottenham Leicester
1959/1960 Wolverhampton Blackburn
1958/1959 Nottingham Luton
1957/1958 Bolton Man United
1956/1957 Aston Villa Man United
1955/1956 Man City Birmingham
1954/1955 Newcastle Man City
1953/1954 West Bromwich Preston
1952/1953 Blackpool Bolton
1951/1952 Newcastle Arsenal
1950/1951 Newcastle Blackpool
1949/1950 Arsenal Liverpool
1948/1949 Wolverhampton Leicester
1947/1948 Man United Blackpool
1946/1947 Charlton Burnley
1945/1946 Derby Charlton
1938/1939 Portsmouth Wolverhampton
1937/1938 Preston Huddersfield
1936/1937 Sunderland Preston
1935/1936 Arsenal Sheff Utd
1934/1935 Sheff Wed West Bromwich
1933/1934 Man City Portsmouth
1932/1933 Everton Man City
1931/1932 Newcastle Arsenal
1930/1931 West Bromwich Birmingham
1929/1930 Arsenal Huddersfield
1928/1929 Bolton Portsmouth
1927/1928 Blackburn Huddersfield
1926/1927 Cardiff Arsenal
1925/1926 Bolton Man City
1924/1925 Sheff Utd Cardiff
1923/1924 Newcastle Aston Villa
1922/1923 Bolton West Ham
1921/1922 Huddersfield Preston
1920/1921 Tottenham Wolverhampton
1919/1920 Aston Villa Huddersfield
1914/1915 Sheff Utd Chelsea
1913/1914 Burnley Liverpool
1912/1913 Aston Villa Sunderland
1911/1912 Barnsley West Bromwich
1910/1911 Bradford Newcastle
1909/1910 Newcastle Barnsley
1908/1909 Man United Bristol City
1907/1908 Wolverhampton Newcastle
1906/1907 Sheff Wed Everton
1905/1906 Everton Newcastle
1904/1905 Aston Villa Newcastle
1903/1904 Man City Bolton
1902/1903 Bury Derby
1901/1902 Sheff Utd Southampton
1900/1901 Tottenham Sheff Utd
1899/1900 Bury Southampton
1898/1899 Sheff Utd Derby
1897/1898 Nottingham Derby
1896/1897 Aston Villa Everton
1895/1896 Sheff Wed Wolverhampton
1894/1895 Aston Villa West Bromwich
1893/1894 Notts Bolton
1892/1893 Wolverhampton Everton
1891/1892 West Bromwich Aston Villa
1890/1891 Blackburn Notts
1889/1890 Blackburn Sheff Wed
1888/1889 Preston Wolverhampton
1887/1888 West Bromwich Preston
1886/1887 Aston Villa West Bromwich
1885/1886 Blackburn West Bromwich
1884/1885 Blackburn Queen's Park
1883/1884 Blackburn Queen's Park
1882/1883 Blackburn Ol. Old Etonians
1881/1882 Old Etonians Blackburn
1880/1881 Old Carthusians Old Etonians
1879/1880 Clapham Rovers Oxford University
1878/1879 Old Etonians Clapham Rovers
1877/1878 Wanderers Royal Engineers
1876/1877 Wanderers Oxford University
1875/1876 Wanderers Old Etonians
1874/1875 Royal Engineers Old Etonians
1873/1874 Oxford University Royal Engineers
1872/1873 Wanderers Oxford University
1871/1872 Wanderers Oxford University
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